Europes biggest telco wanted to identify emerging trends at the intersection of art and technology. We conduct seminars, a podcast, and a publication exploring weak signals in art and tech.
A global marketing innovation consultancy that had recently moved into SaaS vendorship was acquired by an international agency network and intended to sharpen and reformulate its brand identity and service portfolio – internally, within the network and towards its clients.

Starting with an executive off-site event and followed up with a company-wide strategy break, we developed a shared purpose, refined the existing vision, and formulated mission statements and beliefs – with wide reaching impact across all parts of the organization.

Portfolio Restructuring
Based on the purpose alignment, we restructured the product and service portfolio and focused it around the core competencies and strengths of the company and its products.
Organizational Processes
We guided the production of a brochure for new hires, defined on-boarding processes and conceptualized new vertical structures across different teams to share and foster expertise and talent development.
Brand Identity
We directed the concept, design and production of new visual guidelines and corporate narratives, including the relaunch and content production of company and product websites.